(only during office hours
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Stay Of An Accompanying Person

Stay Of An Accompanying Person

Stay Of An Accompanying Person

Created: 21.12.2021, Updated on: 21.12.2021, Author: DFNBB

Accompanying person in hospital care is a person being hospitalized for hospital care together with a person to whom the hospital care is provided (Law No. 576/2006 Coll., §15).

The stay of an accompanying person is prioritized if the person is:
• Breastfeeding mother
• Guide of an oncological patient
• Guide of critically ill person
• Guide of a person with diagnosis that requires his presence

Stay of the guide for other reason is ineligible.


1 bed / day = 3,32 €

The obligation of payment for accommodation is exempted for person who is (Directive No. 4/2008 effective from 01.07.2008):
• accompanying persons who are breastfeeding mothers
• accompanying persons for patients under three years of age
• accompanying persons for cancer patients
• accompanying persons for critically ill patients

The guide can order food:

Breakfast 2,70 €
Lunch 4,32 €
Dinner 3,77 €


Principles of the day stay:

Guide of the person may be admitted to the hospital also for the daily stay:
• for daily stay only one accompanying person may be accepted
• it is granted only for children under the age of 5 years
• it is possible since 07:00 am till 08:00 pm
• guide of the person is required to observe the principles of operation and hygienic-epidemiological regime, reflecting with his signature after being instructed
• non-compliance with these principles might abandoned the stay of the guide