(only during office hours
Children's emergency: 048 / 3265 711
Urgent income: 048 / 3265 555

How To Reach Us

How To Reach Us

How To Reach Us

Created: 21.12.2021, Updated on: 05.09.2023, Author: DFNBB

Public transport

From the railway station take the trolleybus No. 1, from Radvaň take a  trolleybus No. 3, from TESCO store take bus No. 9 and from Sásová bus No. 25. The hospital is at the last stop. For the time schedule of the public transport click HERE.

Walking distance from the city center about 20 min

From the square toward the lower right corner, which opens Horna Strieborna Street, followed by Strieborne namestie, continue over the bridge to the city park, in addition to its right side still uphill, underneath the viaduct to the roundabout at LIDL market, continue towards Kordíky - Tajov along the trolley-line directly to the children's hospital.

Parking and entrance to the building

You can park on the large parking lot at the bus stop. If you come to take your child home, or you bring clothes, you can park directly in front of the building at the -1 floor (for a short stand up). Drive through the gateway to the hospital complex. Inform the stuff about the reason for your visit (entry). Gate-keeper will announce where you can park. Walking distance of all the parking to the entrance of the hospital is less than 200 m.

In case you enter the building after 4 pm, use an electric gate at the front desk of the building (next to entrance). Inform the nurse on duty about the reasons of your visit andyou will be allowed to enter the building.

